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Ramblin' Ralph's Guest Book

HI Ralph,
late at checking in to see what you are up too, glad to see that you made it to your yearly family camping in the Sierra's ( 45 years.)

It is hot in northern CA.and SO.OR. 100 to 113 the next week, so be careful and safe out their.
Arizona has closed all their state lands and USFS has closed some NF.lands around Flagstaff.

We are going to the coast for the 4TH July to get the dog away from the fireworks, she is 12 years old and the noise is hard on her.
Take care and I will check in soon. Jay

Added: June 27, 2021
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HI Ralph,
glad to see that you are going to hit the road this year,
I will be checking in to see what you are up too.

I will send you a e-mail in a few days. Jay

Added: May 16, 2021
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HI Ralph,
I voted and hope that you get on the calendar for 2021

A disappointing 2020 for sure! we only went camping two times do to the Covid 19 and the fires, hope next year is better as we don't have that many years left. Jay

Added: October 26, 2020
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HI Ralph,
glad to see that you have move closer to the Hwy.just in case you needed to move because of all the fires.
Do you have a radio so you an check on the updates of the fires? We are having some high winds and they have started several fires here in Oregon. We have 4 new fires with in 15 miles from us and they closed down I 5 from Ca. to Central Point were I live.

Take care and be careful out their. Jay

Added: September 9, 2020
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HI Ralph,
haven't seen much of you and hoping that things are OK!
are you still out camping with all the fires ?
Is your home safe and how about your kids ?
Take care and post when you can. Jay

Added: August 24, 2020
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HI Ralph,
good to see that you made it to your first camp for the 2020 adventures.I hope that things go well so you can stay out until you are ready to call it a year.
With part of the State Parks here in Oregon closed the ones that are open are full and the same with some of the USFS. campgrounds . We hope to get to go to north eastern Oregon in Sept. but time will tell.
Take care and stay safe. Jay

Added: August 6, 2020
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HI Ralph,
I'm glad to see that you are going to get out even with
the C-19 stuff out their and I know what you mean by not having a lot of enthusiasm . Hopefully things will get better and you can have a good trip even if you don't get to Montana this year.

We are going to plan on a trip in Sept. to Eastern Oregon to check out ghost towns and any other old places.

I will be checking in to see what you are up too so have a good time and stay safe. Jay

Added: July 20, 2020
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HI Ralph,
glad to see that you made it to the Sierra's with your family and it looks like you had a good time.
The pictures were nice to see your camp site and the surrounding area and the weather looks like it was good.

44 years! that is great. Jay

Added: June 27, 2020
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HI Ralph,
I was just getting ready to E-mail you and though I would check your site and got my question answered .
Glad to see that you are on your way and I will be checking in to see what you are up too.

Have fun and stay safe, Jay

Added: June 17, 2020
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Hi Ralph,
I have enjoyed following your blog for the last 6 or 7 years. I know the pandemic has changed many things this year but I hope you will be able to make your trip this year. I am in my early seventies and enjoy traveling as well. You have given me many tips for my journey as well. Good health and good traveling to you this year.

Added: June 13, 2020
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