Note: Click on small photos for a larger one. Click on
the USA flag-map (
to see the actual camp location (balloon marker) on a map (+/- 50 ft).
Ref #
Campsite & Other Photos (click links)
That's it folks. Ramblin' 2018 is over!
I'm back at my winter
residence on the Central Coast of California. Had
another great year of ramblin'. Thanks for traveling along with me!
Ramblin' 2019 will start next May.
This year's stats:
- 9,057 miles, 10.9 mpg, $3.54/gal average
fill-up (gasoline), $2.89 min, $4.89 max.
- 121 nights camping (including 7 boondocking,
but excluding in driveways, etc.) in 86 different
campsites. 19 nights @ $0/night.
- $9.97 average campsite fee, with discount,
and $15.80 without. Free campsites (boondocking,
etc.) included in average cost.
Sign my guest book
or email
me with any questions or comments.
Arroyo Seco CG (USFS). 17 mi SW of Greenfield,
CA on paved (and curvy at times) County Rd G16. 900
My last campsite for Ramblin' 2018! :(
CG Nearby Scenery
#1 Nearby Scenery
#2 Sunset #1 Sunset
#2 On The Way
Unusual USFS CG layout with a "modern"
section (flush toilets and showers) and a "primitive"
section (tent only with pit toilets). 33 paved
sites in
modern part, with several double sites. 16 in primitive. Lots
of large live oak trees for shade. Small lake
and Ventana Wilderness area hiking nearby. Nice
views of mountains, farming country and vineyards on
the road to here. $30 modern, $25 primitive.
2nd time here.
San Lorenzo CG (County). In King City, CA.
290 ft. 
CG Old Equipment
#1 Old Equipment
#2 Nearby Crop
Part of a large county park. Almost 100 sites,
close together, on level land. In 3 concentric
loops. A mix of paved and grass sites. Most
sites have water & electric (25 have sewer,
also). Many sites have significant shade, due to
large leafy trees. About 1/2 mile away from busy
US101, but noise level low. Flush toilets,
showers & laundry. Agriculture museum in the
park, along with much old farm equipment spread around
the grounds. $27 (winter rate w/o using hoolups).
4th time here. Heard "boom" sounds
during the night and day. Host said it was to
scare the birds away from the nearby crops.
Gilroy Garlic USA RV Park. In Gilroy, CA 200 ft. 
CG Nice Sunset
Very nice commercial RV park with 170+ paved sites.
Most RVers here appear to be "extended stay"
folks, but the park does have short stay spots.
All the usual amenities: showers, laundry, pool,
etc. Close to large shopping centers with stores
and eating places. Some hwy noise from nearby
US101. $49 (back-in with full hookups).
2nd time here. Don't usually stay in this type of CG, but it's what
worked into my schedule best.
10/26/18- 10/31/18
More visiting with my kids. Now on the way home.
Cache Creek Canyon CG (County). 6 mi NW of
Rumsey, CA on CA16. 600 ft. 
Sites Within
CG Old Barn
In CG CG Creek
#1 CG Creek
#2 CG Creek
Nice CG with 45 paved sites on mostly level land.
Plenty of trees. Nice creek at base of park,
but not visible from most sites. Group sites and
day use area near creek. Very remote area, but
some noise from adjacent hwy. In a canyon for
late sunrise and early sunset. Free-to-campers
dump station. Flush toilets. $30.
Only about 4 other campers here.
Woodson Bridge CG (State). 6+ mi E of I5 near
Corning, CA on South St. 250 ft. 
CG Sacramento
Nice CG with 37 paved sites on level land, well apart.
Heavily wooded area for good shade at all sites
at some point in the day. Sacramento River nearby,
but not visible from any site. Picnic area beside
river, however. Some noise from nearby hwy. Flush
toilets and pay showers. $31.
Only one other site occupied in my area of 15 sites.
CG closes at end of this month.
Sycamore Grove CG (USFS). 2.5 mi S of Red Bluff,
CA on Sale Lane. 250 ft. 
CG Sacramento
River #1 Sacramento
River #2
Very pleasant CG with 30 paved sites on level land,
in a single loop. Some sites have electric and
water. Plenty of shade from a large
grove of primarily leafy type trees. The wide
Sacramento River is a very short walk, but not visible
from the CG. Several hiking trails nearby. Flush toilets and showers in one
of the 2 restrooms. Has the feeling of a County CG vs.
a typical USFS one Very convenient for I5
travelers. $16 (no hookups) + one time $8
"must reserve" fee.
4th time here. New scheme to get more
of your money. If you arrive w/o a reservation
and find an open site, you can't pay for it through
the normal "iron ranger" method. You
must reserve it (by phone or Internet) and pay
the $8 fee. Wow, who thought this one up? Hope
it isn't the wave of the future at FS CGs.
10/21/18- 10/22/18
Buckhorn CG (COE). On Black Butte Lake. 12
mi W of I5 near Orland, CA on County Rd 200 (aka Newville
Rd), then 1
mi S on lake road. 500 ft. 
Water Needs
Wind Low Lake Launch
Ramp CG Wildlife Tree
Silhouette Nearby
63 paved sites in scattered oak trees in five separate areas.
Some sites on very hilly land. Minimal shade. About 25 additional "parking
lot" type sites (overflow?) shown on the map. Lake
view from most sites. Rural area, so very peaceful
at night. Flush toilets/sinks/showers. Free-if-camping dump
station. Launch ramp. $20.
4th time here.
10/10/18- 10/20/18
Visted my 2 kids in the Napa area for about 10 days,
then decided I'd better get in another few days of camping.
Planning on 5 nights before returning to Napa
for a few days and then heading home..
Beach CG (County). About 2 mi S of hwy 12
at Rio Vista, CA. 30 ft. 
CG #1 Day Use
Area Turbines
@ Sunset Sacramento
River #1 Sacramento
River #2
[all pics from 2017 visit]
Nice CG with about 40 paved sites on level land, in 2 loops. All
sites are pull-thru, parallel to the road. Shade
varies a lot with site. Large lawn area
in middle of loops. The wide Sacramento River
is a short walk away and visible from some sites. Nice
day use area by the river. Flush
toilets and showers. Free-if-camping dump station. Launch
ramp. $35 (w/water & elec); $20 if 65+ geezer
(a real good deal, especially w/water & elec).
3rd time here. Unusual reserved site designation
method here. On Sunday they put
cones on all sites reserved anytime during the coming
week. When you arrive you are expected to check the reservation board (at the sometimes
entrance station) or ask the CG host to see if a site is really
reserved for the day you arrive. Hmmm. Doesn't work too good for first-time-there
10/7/18- 10/8/18
Same CG as 6/7/18. Acorn CG (BOR) on New Melones Lake. 1200 ft. 
From Site
Had planned on another CG, but I checked my GPS database
of area CGs for one closer. As I pulled in, I
thought "I've been here before". Yep,
earlier this year and I got the same site this time.
No problem getting a site. Of the about 70
sites, only about 10 were taken.
10/5/18- 10/6/18
Moccasin Point CG (Water District?). On Don
Pedro Lake, 16+ mi S of Sonora, CA on CA49. 1000 ft.

Launch Ramp Low
Lake Red Bark
Tree Lake View
Elsewhere On
The Way Here
Nice CG with 96 paved sites, 18 with hookups, in
5 areas (3 closed). On the large Don Pedro
Lake. The area I'm in (B) is on a fairly
steep hillside. Couldn't get into the closed areas,
but looks like they are on flatter land, since they
are closer to the lake.. Lots of trees for potential
shade. Boat ramp. Flush toilets and showers.
Free-to-campers dump station. $20 (winter
rate, else $31).
Hadn't been on CA120 coming down from the mountains
in a while. Yikes, what a steep and curvy road
for the last few miles!
Dimond O CG (USFS). Just before the NW entrance
to Yosemite National Park on CA120 take paved (but bumpy) Evergreen
Rd N for 6 miles. 4300 ft. 
CG My Backyard Tioga
Pass #1 Tioga
Pass #2 Tioga
Pass #3 Yosemite
NP #1 Yosemite
NP #2
Very nice CG with 38 paved sites on sloping
land. In a beautiful setting
of tall trees of various types. Small stream nearby.
Very handy to Yosemite NW entrance. Vault toilets. $26.
3rd time here. Last was in 2010 on almost the
same exact day of the month (10/3/10).
Gloomy weather while passing through Yosemite NP,
so very few pics.
Same CG as 9/23/18. Lower Lee Vining CG (USFS). 7300 ft.

CG Mono Lake
#1 Mono Lake
#2 Towards Yosemite Leaving
My 2 weeks in the beautiful Eastern Sierra are up.
Up until a couple of days ago, the weather has
been great! Tomorrow I'm heading over Tioga
Pass, through Yosemite NP and towards the Bay Area where
my kids live. This CG is at the base of 10 K Tioga
Pass and a perfect spot for departure.
Town Campground (Commercial). In Bishop, CA.
View Within
CG #1 Within
CG #2 Fall Colors
#1 Fall Colors
#2 Fall Colors
#3 Fall Colors
#4 Fall Colors
Nice place with 150 sites (RV and tent) on
gravel or grass. Sites close together. About
70 with water and electric. Mature trees in grass sites.
One row of sites has a golf course behind them. Small
store and basic menu cafe. Pay showers. $32
(water & elec).
Don't normally stay in RV parks, but needed to do
some things in Bishop. Worked out fine.
Bitterbrush CG (USFS). About 12 mi SW of Bishop,
CA on Line St (aka CA168). 6800
View Fall Colors
#1 Fall Colors
#2 Fall Colors
#3 New Snow
Nice CG with 30 gravel sites on level land, well
apart. Bring your own shade. Small creek
along one side of CG. Beautiful views of the Sierras.
Lots of fishing spots (lake and creek) in this
area, along with other FS CGs. Very nice and helpful CG hostess. Vault
toilets. $26.
2nd time here. The fall color at 8K to 9K ft
was spectacular (see pics)! Rained at night
and new snow on the peaks next day.
Bishop Park CG (USFS). 15 mi SW of Bishop,
CA on West Line St (aka CA168). 8400 ft. 
From Site CG
Creek On The
Way Here #1 On
The Way Here #2 It's
A .....???????
About 20 dirt sites on sloping land (several tent
only). The fast flowing Bishop Creek (N Fk) is
alongside most sites (and below some). Makes nice
music. Heavy shade
at many of the tent sites. Not much at the RV
sites. Bathrooms with flush toilets and sinks. $26.
5th time here. I've caught many a fish
out of the creek farther up where it's calmer.
French Camp CG (USFS). 23+ mi NW of Bishop,
CA on US395, then 1/2 mi W on Rock Creek Rd 7300
Note: Exit US395 at "Tom's Place"
CG #1 Within
CG #2 Fall
86 dirt sites on sloping land, full of boulders.
A long, oval road accesses the sites, with 4 crossroads
in the oval. Some sites will full hookups. Plenty
of conifer type trees for at least some shade. Rock
Creek to one side of CG, but not visible from any site.
Makes nice music, though. Flush toilets
and sinks. Dump station. Very handy to US395 travelers. $23.
McGee Creek CG (USFS). 30+ mi NW of Bishop,
CA on US395, then 2 mi S on paved, uphill McGee Creek Rd
(less than 2 lanes in spots). 7500 ft. 
Towards Mtns View
Towards Valley CG
Creek Impending
Collision? View
Leaving CG
28 paved sites on level land with sand tent pads.
No shade for RV/tent, but shade structures for all sites
with picnic table and bear box. Nice views into
the mountains and back towards the valley. Parts of
CG ringed with aspen groves. Small, fast flowing creek
alongside CG, with heavy tree/bush coverage on bank.
Restroom bldg has flush toilets and sinks. $23.
2nd time here.
9/25/18- 9/27/18
Boondocking site (USFS). Not a developed campground. From
the June Lake, CA loop road (S end) junction
with US395 go 7+ mi SE, then 1/2 mi NE on Owens River
Rd, then 1/4 mi N on unmarked dirt road (map says 02s214). 7500
Backyard The
Way In & Out Nearby
June Lake Quack!
Nice, good size clearing in the tall pines and easy to
get to. Only about 1/4 mi off a paved road via
a one lane dirt road. US395 is about 1/2 mi away,
but only trucks produce a bit of a hum. Had it
all to myself, except for others maybe 1/4 mi away. Many
other spots in this general area. The usual boondocking fee of $0.
4th time here. Feels like I have my own "little
cabin the woods" here. :) Low of 24F. Brrrrrrrr!
Silver Lake CG (USFS). About 5 mi W of June
Lake, CA on hwy 158. 7100
View CG Lake On
The Way Here #1 On
The Way Here #2 Big
Hunk Of Rock Mono
60+ paved sites in 2 loops on level land. Very
widely separated sites. S loop is near the lake,
while the N loop is near a creek (outflow of lake).
Can't see either lake or creek from sites, due to trees/bushes.
Essentially no shade in N loop. S loop has some
sites somewhat shaded by tall bushes. No shade
isn't that big of a deal this time of year with mild
temperatures. The fantastic view of the Sierras more
than makes up for it. You can always bring shade,
but you can't bring views. :) Flush toilets
and pay showers. $23.
3rd time here. Down to 26F at night! Brrrrrrr.
Lower Lee Vining CG (USFS). About 3 mi W of
US395 on Tioga Pass Rd in the Lee Vining, CA area. 7300 ft.

Note: 1/4 mi. entry road from hwy is very
rough with rocks and bumps. Drive slow.
Sites CG
Creek Leaving
CG On The
Way Here #1 On
The Way Here #2
50+ dirt sites (some tent only) on level land. Sites
generally close together. Laid out somewhat randomly,
w/o organized loops like many CGs. Trees predomiately
tall pines and aspens. One section has very shady
sites, due to a thick grove of tall pines. Nice
creek along one side, but only a few tent sites are
on it. Pit toilets, except 1 vault at front section.
3rd time here.
9/19/18- 9/22/18
Same CG as 6/19/18. Robinson Creek CG (USFS).
7000 ft. 
First CG in CA in nearly 3 months and it's my
favorite one in my favorite CA area - The Eastern Sierra!!
View Site
Visitors Area
Scenery #1 Area
Scenery #2 Area
Scenery #3 Area
Scenery #4 Area
Scenery #5 Roundup
Time NV338
Scenery #1 NV338
Scenery #2
Was so dern beautiful, I couldn't leave! :)
Full sun and temps in the high 70s. Down to 28F
one night, but warmer next 3. My all time
favorite CG! Been camping & fishing in this
area for over 40 years.
Will be "campground hopping" down US395
for the rest of this month.
Took a new hwy (vs US395) to get to Bridgeport; NV338
from Yerington, NV. Nice scenery.
River CG at Lahontan Reservoir State Rec Area 2.
16+ mi W on US50 (not ALT50) from Fallon, NV,
then 1+ mi S on park road. 4000 ft.
CG CG River Fall
Is Coming
About 12 primitive dirt sites on 2 levels. Alongside
a small river that comes out of a closeby dam.
You can hear a very low level rumble from the
dam. Some sites have trees, but not all. Many
other campsites along the lakeshore (didn't see them).
Pit toilets. $15.
River CG in Rye Patch State Park. 50 mi SW
of Winnemucca, NV on I80, then 1+ mi on park entrance
road (Hwy 401). 4000 ft. 
Note: Short, curvy, fairly steep road down to CG.
Down On CG CG
Dam CG River CG
Lake Turkey
Nice CG with 22 paved sites on level land. Some
areas have several leafy trees for potential shade.
Others will be mostly sun. Shade shelters
in some sites. CG is below the Rye Patch
dam and along the Humboldt River. Convenient
to I80 travel, but far enough away you can't hear it.
Flush toilets and showers in one bldg; vault toilets
in another. $15.
Note: Another CG in the Park along the lake shore.
Was sitting out in the evening and thought I heard
someone walking in the gravel near me. It was
a group of about 6 turkeys (see pic)!
Water Canyon CG (BLM). About 5 mi SE of Winnemucca,
NV via Water Canyon Rd. 5700 ft. 
Backyard Within
CG Leaving
CG Straight
As An Arrow OK,
I Won't
desert oasis CG in a small canyon. Dead-end dirt road runs
uphill into the canyon and primitive sites are sporadically
located between it and a small creek. Not
sure how many sites, but guessing 10 or so. Vehicles
going by frequently in either direction during the weekend
day. Not sure what's at the end of the road. Vault
toilet (a distance from some sites). The price is right @ $0.
Was here in 2011, also. Drive today was longest
of this year at 170 mi! My usual is around 100
Antelope Reservoir CG (BLM). 12 mi SW of Jordan Valley,
OR, then 1 mi S on marked dirt road. 4300 ft. 
Water Left No
Water Left Antelope
Herd Dusk
View From
2011 Stay Owyhee
Byway #1 Owyhee
Byway #2
Primitive camping on a large reservoir (now very
low). 3 dirt sites with old wood picnic tables
and fire ring. Saw others boondocking near
the reservoir. Thought I might have the place to myself,
but 2 others came in just before dark.. Very peaceful
at night. Vault toilet. Another
@ $0.
Was here in Aug 2011 and there was only a pit toilet.
Nice upgrade. Reservoir was near full then
(see pic).
Some other truck camper folks that were boondocking
within sight of me came by as I was leaving. Said
that some young guys were hot rodding it near
the lake and got stuck. Someone came out with
a tractor to help and it got stuck!!
North Fork CG (BLM). 20 mi S of Jordan
Valley, OR on Owyhee Byway roads. 4700 ft. 
CG #1 Within
CG #2 CG River Nice
Sunset See
The Butterflies? Owyhee
Byway #1 Owyhee
Byway #2
Nice little 7 dirt site CG in a beautiful setting.
Tall black rock bluffs surround it. Table,
fire ring and BBQ on concrete pad. Slow flowing
North Fork of Owyhee River along one side of CG, but
hidden by trees/bushes. Byway road alongside the
CG, but has very miinimal traffic. Vault toilet.
Well worth it at twice the price of $0.
Saw plenty of beautiful and interesting scenery today
taking the Owyhee Byway. Heard 2 sonic booms from
a military jet.
Poison Creek Rec Area (BLM). 2 mi S of Grand
View, ID on ID78, then 20 mi SW on Mud Flat Rd (becomes
gravel in 18 mi.). 4400 ft. 
CG On The
Way Here #1 On
The Way Here #2 After
Leaving Byway
Site is really just a picnic area, but there was
just enough room for me to back into an area clear of
the road. Right by the road, so there was a bit
of traffic until dark. Decided to stop here since
I didn't know what boondocking opportunities there were
ahead and I was ready to stop. $0.
This is the start of my 105 mi trek (74 mi gravel)
on the Owyhee
Uplands Back Country Byway. Wish me luck.
Scout CG (Util) at CJ Strike Dam. 7 mi SE of
Grand View, ID on ID78, then about 2 mi on River Rd,
Black Sands Rd and Strike Dam Cutoff Rd. 2400
CG See Me? Sunset Big
Sign Main
Outlet Outlet
Near Me
Nice CG with 33 gravel sites on level land. No
privacy between sites, as they are side by side. Some
trees for shade and a nice grass area in the middle.
Very quiet here, since not near any hwy. CG between the
2 outlets from the dam. Outflow is a continuation
of the Snake River. Saw several people fishing
in the CG. Flush toilets. Free dump station.
Took care of laundry, etc. in Boise before coming
here and wished I'd picked a smaller town. Way
too much traffic. :(
Montour CG (BOR). 9 mi W of Horseshoe Bend,
ID on ID52, then 2+ mi S on Montour Rd. 2500 ft. 
CG View From
CG Sunset
#1 Sunset
#2 On The
Way Here
Very nice CG in the middle of farming country. 16
paved sites on level land with grassy areas between
them. Tent camping on dedicated grassy area. A
good number trees for possible shade. Very
peaceful here, but road alongside CG has minor daytime
traffic. Payette River nearby. Vault toilet. Dump
station ($3). $8 ($3 tents).
Amanita CG (USFS). Almost 5 miles SW
of Donnelly, ID on W Roseberry Rd and W Mountain Rd..
4900 ft. 
From Site CG
Lake #1 CG
Lake #2 CG
Lake #3 Within
12 gravel/dirt sites on mostly level land. Plenty
of trees for potential shade. Alongside the beautiful
Lake Cascade. A few sites have a nice through-the-trees
view of it. Across the lake are tall mountains
in the distance. Road beside CG has occasional daytime
traffic. Vault toilet. $15.
1/4 mile away is another FS CG, Rainbow Point. Stayed
there in 2016.
Much of the drive today was along the Salmon River
canyon. Mighty pretty. Took some dash cam
video that I hope to make into a YouTube video this
Hammer Creek CG (BLM). About 2 mi S of White
Bird, ID on US95, then 1 mi NW on Old Hwy 95, then cross
river and 1+ mi to CG sign. 1400 ft. 
CG View From
CG CG River
#1 CG River
#2 Launch Ramp Floater
Parking Leaving
CG #1 Leaving
CG #2
Nice CG with 12 well developed gravel sites on level
land. Scattered shade trees. In a canyon
alongside the wide and smooth flowing Salmon River.
River only visible between the bushes. Launch
ramp and parking area for floaters. Peaceful here,
except for sporadic daytime ramp activity. Flush
toilets. Free dump station. $10.
Must be a popular put-in/take-out for river floaters,
because many vehicles were parked in the lot. Talked
to a neighbor and he said they were taking a 5 day,
50 mile float!
Johnson Bar CG (USFS). 4 mi SE of Lowell, ID on Selway Rd. 1600
CG View From
Back Door CG
River #1 CG
River #2
7 site CG with gravel/dirt sites on level ground. Beside the Selway River, but 50 yards
of rocks before you get to the water. Sites well apart. Some
sites have good river view. Scattered trees, so
lots of sun. Sandy beach downstream from CG. Group CG in a field nearby. Vault
toilet. $8.
3rd time here.
White Sand CG (USFS). 67 mi NE of Lowell, ID on US12
(Lolo Pass Hwy), then 1+ mi
S on dirt Elk Summit Rd. 3500 ft. 
Bye, bye Montana. Hello Idaho.
CG CG River
#1 CG River
#2 CG Pond Sunset
Secluded 7 site CG on the upper (and smaller) section of the Lochsa River. Dirt sites.
A mix of conifer and leafy trees. River
visible from only one site, but you can hear its music
from all. Small fishing
pond beside CG. Nice and peaceful here. Vault toilet.
4th time here. Had planned on staying at an
FS CG in MT off US12, but it was closed! Hey FS,
some people camp after Labor Day!! :(
Blodgett CG (USFS). 6 mi W of Hamilton, MT
on Main St., Canyon Creek Rd and Blodgett Camp Rd. 4100 ft. 
Rock Bluffs #1 CG
Rock Bluffs #2 CG
Creek Big Hole
Battlefield #1 Big
Hole Battlefield #2
Neat little 6 site (5 for RVs, 1 for tents) CG in a beautiful setting. All
but one RV
site paved. Walk-in tent site in the trees, well
away from the others. Mid-day very sunny for most
sites, but tall trees end it in late afternoon. Small creek at entrance
to CG. Impressive rock bluffs nearly surround
the place. Road ends at CG, so very quiet here. Quite
a deal at $0.
2nd time here. On the way here I visited the
Big Hole National Battlefield (see pics).
9/4/18- 9/5/18
East Bank CG (BLM). 8 mi W of Wise River, MT on hwy 43. 5700
Backyard CG
River #1 CG
River #2 Dangerous
Otter Across
The River Poor
Little Feller Close
To Here Leaving
Dillon #1 Leaving
Dillon #2
About 9 gravel sites on level land alongside the beautiful Big
Hole River. Front of CG alongside a daytime low traffic hwy. Back
sites have less noise. Scattered shade. Boat launch
ramp and day use area adjacent to CG. One of my
favorite views in MT from here (see river pics). Vault toilet. No trash svc. $0.
3rd time here. Low of 31F.
8/21/18- 9/3/18
As usual, had a great time at my cousin's in Dillon, MT.
But, like Willy, I need to be "On the road again".
Moose Blue
Heron Big Hole
River Red Ball
Weather started off with hazy, smoky skies, but ended
up with beautiful sunny weather in the 70s to low 80s!
Took a fun guided float trip and caught about 9 medium
size trout. Saw a moose (see pic) and bald eagle.
Took a second guided float trip and caught even more
fish than the first! Got a good photo of a blue
heron in flight (see pic).
Glen CG ( Montana State Fishing Access ). 19
mi N of Dillon, MT on MT91, then 1 mi E on Burma Rd.
5000 ft. 
River On The
Way Here #1 On
The Way Here #2
6 primitive dirt sites on level land. Beside
the well known for fishing Big Hole River. Need
to walk through some bushes to see it. Some trees,
but shade is limited in the sites. Away from hwy,
so peaceful here. Might get some short term noise
from people using the launch ramp. Vault toilet.
Had a good rain at night. Cleared the smoke
out some.
Mill Creek CG (USFS). 7 mi E of Sheridan, MT
on paved then gravel Mill Creek Rd. 6500 ft. 
Highest CG since leaving CA.
CG Big Rock Bigger
Rock On The
Way Up On The
Way Down Ennis
Street Art #1 Ennis
Street Art #2 Ennis
Street Art #3
Nice remote CG in a canyon with about 10 dirt sites.
CG has a moderate stand of fir/spruce and is on
slightly sloping land. Some sites get a lot of
sun. Namesake creek not visible from CG. Several
large boulders around. Minimal traffic road alongside
leads to another couple of CGs (per map). Vault
toilets. A deal from Uncle at $0.
Only one other site occupied when I was here!
One the way here, I passed through the neat little
town of Ennis. Had planned on camping around
there, but was more smoky than I wanted, from a
nearby fire. Decided to head W for something better
and found it.
Red Mountain CG (BLM). 16 mi N of Ennis, MT
on US287 then 8 mi E on hwy 84. 4500 ft. 
Sites CG River CG
View Trying
To Catch One See
Well above the average BLM campground. 17 gravel
sites on level land in 2 loops. Most sites well apart. Several sites
parallel to the Madison River. These are side-of-the-road
type and closer together. No shade, except for
the "move your chair frequently" type from
small trees, or make you own. Slight hum from nearby
hwy. Horseshoe pit. Appears to be boondocking camping
across the river. Another BLM CG across the hwy. Vault toilets.
5th time here. The morning I left I saw a couple
of guys fishing. One got out of the water with a nice
14" rainbow in his hand. Lots of people floating
the river upstream of CG.
Confederate CG (BOR) on Canyon Ferry Lake. 18+
mi N of Townsend, MT on US12/MT284/Lower Duck Creek
Rd/Lower Confederate Rd. 3800 ft. 
Lake Stormy
Lake Nice Colors Sunset View
Even though called a CG, it's more like boondocking,
but with a vault toilet. No designated sites,
picnic tables or fire rings. On the edge of a
very large lake. Saw others camped a mile away,
near the shore. $0
Heck of a wind came up about 6 p.m. and blew for
an hour or so. Raised whitecaps on the lake (see
pic). I had some tall trees near me and started
to worry about one falling on me. Thankfully,
one didn't. Other campers arrived at dark. They
weren't close to me, but their barking dog was easily
heard on and off until I left the next morning. Grrrrrrrr.
Boondocking site (USFS). Not a developed campground. 6+
mi E of Lincoln, MT on MT200, then 3+ mi N on Copper
Creek Rd. 5000 ft. 
It's at the intersection of Copper Creek Rd and (I
kid you not) Sucker-Keep Cool Creek Rd. :)
Site View Site
Back View For
Relaxing CG
Creek Bridge CG
Creek Mother
Nature's Art Nearby
Fire Damage
Great boondocking site! Nice spot to back
my rig into the trees and close enough to hear the creek
music. Put my chair on the creek bank and I was
in heaven. :) Hardly any traffic went by.
Before coming here, I was getting ready to drop my
envelope into the pay box at a nearby USFS CG and a
young FS guy walked up. I asked him about
dispersed camping close by and he recommended checking
out Copper Creek Rd. Thanks for the tip FS guy!
Only my 2nd boondocking spot this year. What
a wimp
Harpers Lake CG (Montana State Fishing Access). 13
mi S of Seeley Lake, MT on hwy 83, then 3/4 mi W on
dirt CG road. 3900 ft. 
CG Lake #1 Lake
#2 Lake Feeder
Stream Unique
Sunset On The
Way Here
14 dirt/gravel sites in 2 loops on different levels.
Sites well apart and on level land.
Plenty of shade in most sites from tall pines. Two
small lakes (Harper and Blanchard) within walking distance.
Small stream leads into one lake. Nice and quiet.
Only a slight hum from 2 hwys about a mile away. No water. Vault toilet. $18
(or $12 w/MT fishing license).
2nd time here. Had a nice shady site, a cell/Net
connection and it was peaceful here, so I stayed a 2nd night.
Swan Lake CG (USFS). About 58 mi N of Seeley
Lake, MT on MT83. 3200 ft. 
CG Tall Aspen
Very nice CG with 35 paved sites in 2 loops on level
ground. Lots of tall conifer and leafy trees for
shade. Good site privacy in most sites. Open
grassy area in one loop. Large lake across the
hwy. Vault toilets. $18.
Lucked out again and found a site whose reservation
didn't start until the next day!
Big Creek CG (USFS). 20
mi N of Columbia Falls, MT on North Fork Rd (some gravel). Very
heavy washboarding on some parts of the 8 mi gravel section. 3200 ft.

An alternate route from the west side of Glacier NP
is via Camas Rd within the park to North Fork Rd and
S 2 mi. Much less washboard to travel. (That's
what I took to get here this time, since it was closer).
River #1 CG
River #2 Hoping
For A Fish Glacier
NP #1 Glacier
NP #2
Nice remote CG wiith 22 gravel sites on level land, well apart,
with additional group sites. All sites have significant
shade, due to a dense grove of trees. The
beautiful North Fork Flathead River is alongside the
CG. Many sites have a view of the river . The steep
hill across the river is Glacier National Park. $16.
All sites occcupied or had reserved signs when I
arrived. However, I found one reserved site that
didn't start until the next day. Yay!
When I left, I took the road to Columbia Falls. Yikes
what washboarding! Only could do 10 mph sometimes.
Good thing I don't have false teeth or they'd
be on the floor. :) Boy, was I glad to see pavement!
Devil Creek CG (USFS). 36 mi SE of West Glacier,
MT on US2. 4300 ft. 
CG Day I Arrived Day
I Left Ah,
Blue Sky On
The Way Here #1 On
The Way Here #2 After
Leaving #1 After
Leaving #2
13 paved sites on level land, well apart. Moderate
shade, except some sites are near
an area where many of the trees have been cut down.
Very convenient to travelers between East and
West Glacier, but also noisy from the adjacent US2 and
nearby train track Nice hostess. Vault toilets. $14.
2nd time here. Came here because of the elevation
and cooler temperatures than around Kalispell. Unfortunately,
the hazy sky is ruining the scenery of this beautiful
area! :( Wait, woke up the next morning and blue
sky! Yay! :)
8/9/18- 8/10/18
A motel in Kalispell, MT.
Sorry, no motel pics. :)
Dern Smoke
What's going on here Ramblin' Ralph? You're
in a motel?
Yep, temperatures were 95 and 100 for those 2 days
and way too hot for me to sleep in my "no a/c"
camper. No telling how late it would be before
it cooled down enough to sleep. Had to do it once
last year in Oregon at 100F. Glad it wasn't more
than 2 days in the motel, though, at those "close
to Glacier Park" rates! Sure did like those
2 long hot showers, though. :)
Needless to say, I'm sick and tired of hot weather,
but it looks like it's ending soon (at least until ????).
Lake RV Resort. 9+ mi S of Bonners Ferry,
ID on US95/US2. 2000 ft. 
CG #1 Within
CG #2 CG
Lake #1 CG Lake
36 dirt or gravel sites on sloping or level
land. All with electric and water. Lots
of trees, although some sites are shadier than others.
Frequent trains on nearby track for a bit of noise.
Nice little lake that allows no-license, catch
and release fishing (per website). Cabins available.
Flush toilets, showers and laundry. $40
(higher for some sites).
What's going on here Ramlbin' Ralph? You're
at another commercial RV site?. Well, when the
CG I checked between Newport, WA and Sandpoint, ID was
full, AND I couldn't book a motel in Sandpoint because
of a festival, I took what I could find by phone
and was glad to get it. Not a bad little place,
although camping in 90+ heat isn't to my liking.
Gillette CG (USFS). From Coleville, WA,
go about 25 mi NE on WA20, then 1/2 mi E on Pend Oreille
Lake Rd. 3200 ft. 
Backyard Within
CG Trophy
Tree [below from 2016] After
Storm Nearby
Nice CG with 30 gravel sites in a single loop. Sites
generally well apart. Moderately dense stand of
tall conifers. Slight noise from hwy. Trail through forest leaves from CG. Several small
lakes and other FS CGs nearby. Only a couple of other
campers here. Vault toilets. $16.
Was here in 2016 in same site. That year there
was quite a hailstorm at night (see pic).
Bonaparte Lake CG (USFS), 20 mi E of Tonasket, WA on hwy 20 then
6 mi N on Bonaparte Lake Rd. 3600 ft. 
View Within
CG CG Lake #1 CG
Lake #2 Quack!!
30 gravel sites, on level land, in 2 well separated
loops. Loops are at either end of a nice, small
lake. Most sites are at the N end of the lake.
In larger loop, some sites have good privacy,
due to spacing and bushes. However, lakeside sites not
as good. Plenty of tall trees. Boat launch
Flush and vault toilets. $12.
3rd time here. Got a nice site with a partial
view of the lake. CG close to full. Slightly
smoky skies detracted from the scenery on today's drive.
Bummer. (:
Only about 14 miles from Canada, eh?
8/3/18- 8/5/18
Loup Loup CG (USFS). About 13 mi E of
Twisp, WA on WA20, then 1+ mi NW on paved forest road. 4100 ft. 
CG On The Way
Here #1 On The
Way Here #2 On
The Way Here #3 On
The Way Here #4 On
The Way Here #5 On
The Way Here #6 [from prev trip] Winthrop
Main Drag I
Need Some, Too
Very nice CG with 26 gravel sites on 2 levels. 20 sites on the
upper level in a single loop (where I am). Rest in lower level, which
has no loop and a restricted turnaround area. Best
for tenters and small RVs (like me). Scattered
stand of tall conifer trees for moderate shade. Very
few bushes for site privacy, but spacing usually good.
Convenient to hwy, but far enough away for barely noticeable
noise. CG host said usually empty sites. Vault
toilets. $12.
2nd time here. Liked it so much I stayed a
3rd nite, which is very unusual for me. Not many
others here, so very peaceful.
Coming here I drove across WA20 through North Cascades NP.
Beautiful drive, even after passing through the
NP. Third time I've done it. Also grabbed
lunch in the neat little town of Winthrop.
Howard Miller Steelhead Park (County) in Rockport,
WA. About 37 mi E of Burlington, WA on WA20.
200 ft. 
CG #1 Within
CG #2 CG River Children's
Play Area Nearby
Historic Cabin
Very nice CG with 50 sites (grass, gravel or paved)
with electric and water. Most sites on level land.
Some sites have some shade, but not all. Pretty
Skagit River alongside the CG with some sites (including
tent only) near it. Children's play area. Flush
toilets and showers. Dump station. $30 (wiith
No generator noise here, since everyone has electric.
Yay! :)
Cranberry Lake CG in Deception Pass State Park. 10
mi N of Oak Harbor, WA on WA20. 100 ft. 
Lake CG Beach
#1 CG Beach
#2 Coupeville
Wharf Coupeville
Bay I Want It!
Mega CG with about 230 dirt sites (some tent only)
in multiple loops. Most are on level land. Some
sites have electricity. Plenty of trees for shade.
Large lake and a beach on Puget Sound close by.
Jet noise from nearby Navy air station. Flush
toilets and pay showers. Dump station. $30
(other sites $25 or $35).
At the same price, this is a much better deal than
my 7/24/18 State Park site.
After getting off the ferry, I decided to get a good
lunch in nearby Coupeville (tired of what I fix). Neat little seaport
town. Had outstanding fried shrimp at Toby's Tavern! Yum.
:) Also visited the local museum.
Same CG as 7/24/18: Fort Townsend State Park
Here again to catch the ferry to Whidbey Island the
next day.
I arrived at the ferry terminal just as they were
loading and only had to wait one minute to drive on
it! Not bad for not knowing when the ferries left.
Same CG as 7/25/18: Heart O' The Hills CG (Olympic National Park).
Got the exact same site as before! :)
Fairholm CG (Olympic National Park). About 27 mi W of
Port Angeles, WA on US101. 800 ft. 
Fun Lake View
About 90 sites (20 tent only) on a wooded hillside.
The large (12 mi long) and scenic Lake Crescent
is within walking distance. Tent sites are lakeside.
Other sites are in 3 loops on a hill. RVs might
need leveling. Small store and day use beach within
walking distance. Flush toilets. $20.
7/26/18- 7/28/18
Klahowya CG (USFS). About 36 mi W of
Port Angeles, WA on US101. 1000 ft. 
Site Backyard 2nd
Site 2nd Site
Backyard Within
CG Jungle
Trail Fern
City CG River
#1 CG River
#2 Bet It
Was Tall
Nice CG with about 55 gravel sites on level land in 2 loops. Four
of these are in an overflow area with little site
privacy (I was in one for 2 nights). Regular sites
have good privacy due to heavy vegetation. CG loaded
with tall trees for plenty of shade. Medium size
Sol Duc River wraps around part of the CG. Many
sites have a view of it. Some sites will hear
trucks on US101. Vault
toilets. $17.
Hadn't planned to stay 3 nights, but checked Mora
CG about 30 mi to the W on Friday and it was full. So
I returned here hoping that at least one overflow site
was still empty. Only one was! On Sat a.m.
I walked the CG and found a few sites that had been
vacated. Took a nice one for my final night here.
Heart O' The Hills CG (Olympic National Park). 7 mi S of
Port Angeles, WA on Hurricane Ridge Rd. 1800 ft. 
Backyard Within
CG [below from 2014[ Olympic
Park Peaks Canada
Way Out There
100+ paved sites in five loops on hilly land. Many sites short and/or
unlevel. A few larger pull-thru sites. Plenty of tall
trees. The Hurricane Ridge Visitor Center is about
12 mi farther up the road, but I didn't go. $20.
3rd time here. Last time, in 2014, fee was
$12. Seemed much more crowded this time.
Road construction for 5 mi leading up to the Park
entrance can cause delays both ways. I lucked
out and didn't have to wait for the pilot car hardly
at all.
Fort Townsend State Park. 4 mi S of Port Townsend, WA
via hwy 20, then 1+ mi E on park road. 150 ft. 
CG View From
Beach #1 View
From Beach #2 Just
Missed Me! Taking
The Ferry
40 sites total. About 12 sites in the lower "RV section",
where I am. Grass sites right next together, with no significant
Not very appealing. Other sites are on a hill in the woods
and best for tents. However, I could have fit
in some. Short (but steep) walk to the
water and a nice view across the bay to Port Townsend. Free-to-campers
dump station. $30 (other area $25 to $35).
3rd time here.
Not due at my cousin's in MT for 4 weeks. So,
to escape the heat, I decided to take the ferry here
and stay on the Olympic Peninsula for
a week. It paid off, as the temps are in the 70s
vs 80s!
Clear Creek CG (USFS). 3 mi S of Darrington, WA on Mountain
Loop Hwy. 600 ft 
Backyard Within
CG CG River
Nice little CG with 13 gravel sites on level land.
Good site privacy due to vegetation. Between a moderate traffic hwy and
the good sized Sauk River. River only visible
from a couple of sites, but you can hear its music from
all. Sites nearer end of CG road have better
river view and less road noise. Plenty of tall trees. Vault
toilets. $16.
2nd time here. Lots of dump truck traffic on
adjacent hwy. Going ???? My 7/15/18 site
was at the other end of Mountain Loop Hwy.
7/19/18- 7/22/18
Darrington Bluegrass
Festival, 3 mi W of Darrington, WA on hwy 530. 500 ft. 
Camping Sunny
Camping Music
Lovers Seeking
Shade View
From Stage
Nice mid-sized festival with great music and scenery Four
well known national touring bands this year
and some other regional ones. Be
hard to find a nicer facility for a festival. Weather sunny
and bit warm on Sunday at high 80s. No rain this year,
though. My 5th time here.
Emerald Springs RV Park. In Arlington,
WA. 100
Very large, new RV park with about 200 gravel sites
on level land. No shade, since no trees. All
sites have full hookups. Restroom buildings have
showers and laundry, also. $43 w/hookups.
Stayed at an RV park again since not many other choices
nearby. I also needed to dump my tanks and fill
my water tank before going to a music festival.
Some farmer must have sold off a large piece of land,
since open fields are on either side of the park.
7/15/18- 7/17/18
Turlo CG (USFS). 11 E of Granite Falls, WA on Mountain Loop
Hwy. 900
Reading Spot CG
River #1 CG
River #2 Within
CG Butterfly
Nice CG with 18 paved sites on level land. Stillaguamish River fork
on one side of CG and low traffic hwy on the other.
About 7 sites on the river (and I got one of them).
Plenty of trees (leafy and spruce/fir), bushes and ferns. Moss
in some trees. Guess that's what
lots of WA rain does. $18.
Had a great site on the river and lots of shade,
so ended up staying 3 nights. Had time, since
not due to a nearby bluegrass festival until Thursday.
Saw a bizarre sight one evening. Trees across
the river were loaded with yellow butterflies.
Was here in 2007, also.
Expo RV Park. In Enumclaw, WA. 700 ft. 
CG On The
Way Here #1 On
The Way Here #2
Nice place with 27 paved sites on level land
and several trees. In town for easy driving access to
eats and shopping. Only a porta-potti. $30
w/water and elec (up to $40 for larger spaces).
Lots of beautiful scenery (including Mt. Rainier)
while driving today, but too hard to find a pullout
for a photo. :(
Two nights in a row in a commercial park! Checked
out 3 FS CGs on the way here and all were full. Called
a nearby State Park and it was full. OK, so I'll
motel-it. Nope, all 3were full. Found out
there was this local park and it had one empty
site. Am I lucky or what? :)
Packwood RV Park. In Packwood, WA. 1000 ft. 
Oops, forgot site pics.
Have Been Tall Mt.
St. Helens #1 Mt.
St. Helens #2
Mom & pop type place with 87 grass/gravel
sites on 7+ acres of level land. Some tent sites,
too. Several large trees for potential shade in
your site. Restroom bldg with showers and
laundry. Right in town for easy access to eats,
etc. $37 w/full hookups ($27 w/o).
I rarely stay in commercial parks, but the nearby
FS CG I'd planned on was full. Bit the bullet
and stayed here. Worked out OK, as they had Wifi
and a good burger joint was across the hwy where I ate
and had a beer. Managed to not get hit crossing
the hwy to get back to my rig. :)
7/11/18- 7/12/18
Paradise Creek CG (USFS). 20 mi N of Carson, WA on Wind River
Rd (Forest Road
30). 1500 ft. 
CG CG Creek Columbia
River I Made
It Through!
Nice CG with 40 paved sites on level land in a
single loop. Plenty of shade from a dense stand of
100+ foot fir/spruce trees. Small creek on one
side of CG. Other side is close to a paved road
with occasional noise from log trucks and motocycles.
Otherwise, very peaceful here. Vault toilets.
Was also here in 2009. Close to 90F in the
afternoon and no breeze. Lots of shade, however.
Still Creek CG (USFS). About 1 mi E of Government
Camp on US26, then 1 mi S on access road. 3700
CG Mt. Hood
#1 Mt. Hood
About 27 paved sites on significantly sloping land.
All in a long, elongated single loop (except for
one cross road). Such dense tree coverage
you'll have trouble finding a sunny spot for your chair.
Paved interior road has some very large potholes.
Noise from trucks on US26 very noticeable when
sitting outside. Convenient to the "micro
town" of Government Camp. Vault and pit toilets.
Before coming here I visited the town of Government
Camp. Nice rest area there for getting on the
Internet with my hotspot and updating my website. Also
walked around town a bit and had a good lunch. Saw
several people with skiis and found out they are still
skiing on Mt. Hood in July! Afterwards I visited
a primo spot for a picture of beautiful Mt. Hood at
Lake Trillium. Wow, what a view! (see photo).
Frog Lake CG (USFS). 7 mi S of Government Camp,
OR on US26, then E on Frog Creek Rd. 3900
CG CG Lake
#1 CG Lake
#2 Mt. Jefferson
- 10K ft Mt.
Hood - 11K ft
33 dirt sites on level land. Plenty of tall
trees for shade. Many sites have lots of room
for tents, chairs, etc. RV leveling may be needed
on some sites. Small lake nearby, which lived
up to its name; hundreds of teeny (1/4" long)
frogs hopping around. Nearby busy hwy results
in some noise, but less inside camper. Vault
toilets. $23.
On the way from Madras, OR (where I did my laundry),
I had a great view of 2 tall Oregon mountains (see photos).
7/7/18- 7/8/18
Haystack West Shore CG (BOR). About 12 mi S
of Madras, OR, on US97, Jericho Rd & Haystack
Rd. 2900
Lake Goose
Family View
From Site View
From CG Can't
Launch Here Lose
A Boot?
13 paved sites on level land, alongside
a medium size lake (not full now). All sites back onto the lake
and have a good view of it. No vegetation screening
between sites. There are some large trees, however,
that provide some shade during part of the day. Well
away from the hwy, so very quiet at night. Some
sporadic noise from adjacent road traffic. This
is a pleasant place to sit in your chair and enjoy the
lake and hill scenery and the various birds around.
toilets. $15.
Was here in 2012 and the sites were dirt. Very
pleasant here, so stayed a 2nd night this time.
Prairie CG (USFS). 6 mi N of La Pine, OR on
US97, then 3 mi E on Paulina Lake Rd. 4300
CG CG Meadow Meadow
Creek On The
Way Here
17 dusty dirt sites on level land, among scattered
pines. Nice meadow with a creek on one side of
the CG, down a moderate slope. Road near N part
of CG goes to popular camping area and generates slight noise.
Convenient to US97 travelers. Been in a
few hundred USFS CGs and would rank this in the
lower 50%. YMMV. Pit toilets. $14.
Low of 35F.
7/3/18- 7/5/18
Kiahanie CG (USFS). From Oakridge, OR take
hwy 58 W about 1 mi, then right on Westfir-Oakridge
Rd and Aufderheide Dr for about 23 mi. Watch for
campground sign on left. Note: Once in CG, you
take a dirt road on the left about 1/4 mi before any campsites. 2200
Aufderheide Dr is paved and very scenic. Sometimes
you're in a "tunnel" of overhanging trees.
Backyard Nice
Reading Spot CG
River Within
CG Roadblock
Removed Fern
City Painted
By Clouds
Nifty, peaceful CG with 19 gravel sites on level
land. Excellent privacy between sites. Beside
a fork of the Williamette River, although it can't be
fully seen from the sites, due to heavy vegetation. Very
short walk, though, and you can hear its music from
the sites. Tall, tall Douglas fir trees, various
short leafy ones, and some ferns. Moss hangs on
the lower branches of some of the large trees. Beside
a paved road, but very little traffic. Only about 5
sites occupied on the holiday. Very few skeeters. Water
pump. Vault toilets. $10.
2nd time here. Had a great site w/o any close neighbors, so decided
to stay a 3rd day. High of about 80F and low of
Had planned on heading N from here, but found out
the road was closed by a landslide. Backtracked to
US97 to get N.
Thielson View CG (USFS). About 5 mi NW of the
OR138/OR230 jct N of Crater Lake National Park. 5200
Thielson #1 Mt.
Thielson #2 Nice
View Crater
Lake #1 Crater
Lake #2 Crater
Lake #3
60 paved sites on level land in 3 loops (2 non-reservable). On
the large Diamond Lake. Sites well apart and well
screened. Dense trees give many sites shade most
of the day. Not many sites right on the lake (vs.
just across the CG road from it). Great view of the
unique "spikey" Mt.
Thielson across the lake. Some skeeters. Vault
toilets. $15.
3rd time here. Low of 33F! Passed through
Crater Lake NP to get here.
Farewell Bend CG (USFS). About 54 mi N of Medford,
OR on OR62. 3400 ft. 
River #1 CG
River #2 CG
River #3 My
Backyard Within
Very nice CG with about 60 paved sites in 2 separate
sections. Loaded with tall trees and "Oregon
Green Stuff". Very good privacy between most
sites. Rogue River (small near my site, but larger
further downstream) is along
one side of CG. OR62 is on the other side, with
moderate traffic. Eliminated about a dozen skeeters with my
electric zapper racket. Flush toilets. $23.
6/29/18- 6/30/18
Collier Memorial SP CG (State). 31 mi N of Klamath
Falls, OR on US97. 4200 ft. 
First CG outside of California this year!
Site Within
CG Nearby Stream
#1 Nearby Stream
#2 On The
Way Here #1 On
The Way Here #2
Very nice CG with 70+ paved or gravel
sites in 2 loops on level ground. About 55 sites
are full hookup. In a nice grove of tall
pines for plenty of shade. Two streams a short
walk away, but not visible from sites. Flush toilets
and showers. Free-to-campers dump station. $19 ($29 w/hookups).
Pulled in Friday about 5 p.m. and got one of the
last no-hookup sites. Yay! Had to move Sat
to a hookup site, which was OK, as I didn't want to look
for another CG on a Sat. Also needed to fill my
water tank.
Sims Flat CG (USFS). 40 mi N of Redding, CA
on I5, then 1 mi E on Sims Rd. 1700 ft. 
Now on my way to Montana!! Constant camping
until mid August.
Sacramento River 1933
CCC Bridge CCC
19 paved or gravel sites on level land among many tall trees.
Plenty of bushes for good site privacy.
The very scenic upper Sacramento River is a short
walk. I5 is close, but slight noise (hardly noticeable
in my camper). Loud train track just across the river,
but only a train every few hours. Small
remnants of old lumber mill and CCC camp within the
CG. Flush toilets, but old building. $15.
Stopped here in 2012, on my way to Alaska!
6/19/18- 6//23/18
Robinson Creek CG (USFS). 9 mi SW of Bridgeport, CA on
Twin Lakes Rd. 7000 ft. 
Creek Area
Scenery #1 Area
Scenery #2 Nearby
Lake Calm
Paddling Nearby
Hot Springs
Very popular CG with 54 paved sites in tall pines on level land. Shade
varies significantly with site. The very
nice Robinson Creek wraps around the CG. Usually good fishing, if
they have stocked recently. Many sites on the creek.
My favorite Sierra CG. Several other CGs and two large lakes
nearby. $23.
Had a great time camping with my daughter and son and family.
This was my 42st straight year to camp in this area.
6/11/18- 6//18/18
Visited friends in SoCal and my kids in NorCal
Los Alamos CG (Dept. Water?), off I5 8 mi S of Gorman,
CA. Take Smokey Bear Rd exit, then S to lake entrance,
then right and follow road N & W about 2 mi. 2800
Note: My Garmin GPS tried to route me another way
from Smokey Bear Rd, which was longer and I don't think
would have worked.
View #1 CG
View #2
93 sites in 3 loops on hilly, sandy land. No or
little shade in sites, except for about 6 with shade
structures. Flush toilets and sinks. Pyramid
Lake nearby. Slight hum from I5, but overall very peaceful.
Pay dump station. $20
(higher for shade sites).
7th time here, since convenient to I5 to/from
SoCal. Hardly anyone else here.
Tule CG (COE) on Lake Success. About 9 mi
E of Porterville, CA on CA190. 600 ft.

North Section CG
South Section CG
Lake Now CG
Lake 2016 Need
A Log?
100+ paved sites on level land in 2 widely separated
sections. Scattered trees, but significant shade
at your site is unlikely. On a large lake. Large day use
area with picnic shelters and children's playground
equipment in South section. North section has some sites
with electricity. Slight noise from adjacent hwy. Flush
toilets and showers. Free dump station. $20.
2nd time here. A lot more water in the lake
than in fall 2016 (see pics).
Codorniz CG (COE) on Eastman Lake. 12+ mi E
of Chowchilla, CA on Avenue 26 then 9+ mi N on Road
29. 700 ft. 
CG CG Lake Nature's
Art Sunset Nearby
Remote CG with 65 paved sites on hilly land on a
large lake. Some sites very long. Some sites
are either partial or full hookup. Some trees
for shade and shade structures in some sites (but not
all). Lake view from some sites. Launch
ramp. Flush toilets and showers. $20 ($30 w/hookups).
Smaller 19 site Wildcat CG (no hookups) close
Over 90F when I arrived. However, sitting in
the shade wasn't bad with the nice breeze off the lake.
Took a while for the inside of my camper to get down
to a comfortable sleeping temperature, though. Hardly
anyone else here, except some big rigs in the electric
Acorn CG (BOR) on New Melones Lake. 7+ mi S
of Angels Camp, CA on CA49, then 2 mi W on Reynolds
Ferry Rd. 1200 ft. 
Note: Another CG called Acorn is on nearby New Hogan
Lake. BOR and COE must not coordinate names. :)
From Site Within
CG Lake View Lake
Sunset On The
Way Here
Almost 70 paved sites on hilly land on a very
large lake. Scattered leafy trees for shade in
some sites, but many full sun. Lake views for
some sites. Launch ramp close by. Dump station
(fee). Vault toilets. $22.
Checked out close by Manzanita CG first, but liked
this one better. Got a really nice shady site
with a through-the-trees lake view.
6/4/18- 6/6/18
Boondocking site (USFS). Not a developed campground. South of Lake Tahoe, CA
in the Hope Valley area. 2.5 mi SW
of the hwy 88/89 jct and 4.5 mi S of hwy 88 on Blue Lakes Rd. 7500
(Note: GPS might not find proper entry road)
Creek #1 CG
Creek #2 Site
#2 View On The
Way Here Lake
Popular boondocking area spread out over about 3/4 mile alongside
Blue Lakes Rd. Spots for both small and large
rigs. Views of creek/meadow/mountains vary with
site. Creek size Carson River (West Fork) nearby.
Decided to stay a 3rd night and moved about 1/4 mi
away. Nobody else around and a fantastic
view of the mountains! Low of 28F. Bummer, my schedule won't
allow another night. :(
My 5th time
here. I like it! Passed by the west
side of beautiful Lake Tahoe today.
Goose Lake CG (USFS). About 11 mi N of Sierra
City, CA on CA49 and paved Gold Lake Hwy. 6300
Lake Nice Spot
To Relax My
Backyard Along
The Way #1 Along
The Way #2 Along
The Way #3
Primitive CG with 7 dirt sites with concrete
tables, bear boxes and fire rings. CG alongside
a light use hwy, with little nightime traffic. Some
sites use a separate entrance from main one. All
sites near the lake. Dirt road between sites is
lumpy and has some large rocks . Plenty of
tall pine trees. Nice small lake. Vault toilet.
Very scenic drive today along the beautiful N Yuba
River. Gained 4K ft in elevation for cooler weather.
6/1/18- 6/2/18
Indian Valley CG (USFS). 31 N of Nevada City, CA on curvy
CA49. 2300
Backyard Within
CG CG River
#1 CG River
#2 Trees Across
Nice CG wiith 16 paved sites in 2 loops. Lots of tall trees
for shade. The beautiful N Yuba River beside the
CG, but very steep access to it. Vault toilets. $24.
2nd time here. Was worried I wouldn't get a
site arriving around 5 Friday afternoon, but I did!
Got to almost 90F Saturday, but not bad in the
shade in my easy chair.
5/26/18- 5/31/18
Visited my 2 kids in the SF Bay area.
5/23/18- 5/25/18
Fraser Flat CG (USFS). 25 mi NE of Sonora,
CA on Hwy 108, then 3 mi N on paved Fraser Flat Rd.
4700 ft. 
Note: Fraser Flat Rd drops about 1000 ft from
the hwy, but is only moderately steep.
Meadow River
Fishing Pier River
Near CG
Very nice CG with 39 paved sites in 2 loops on level
ground. Plenty of tall, conifer type trees for shade.
Some sites have very significant shade and others
plenty of sun. Stanislaus River
(S Fk) alongside CG, with fishing pier. Well off
the hwy for peace and quiet, but there was some light
traffic on the adjacent road. Vault toilets.
2nd time here. Low of 38F. Rained a bit Thur night
and Friday was dreary and cool. Good reason to
stay in my camper. :)
Hidden View CG (COE) on Lake Hensley. 18 mi
NE of Madera, CA on CA145 and Road 400. 600 ft. 
View CG View
52 paved sites (some tent only) in 3 loops on
hilly land. Also, two group areas. Some
sites have electricity. Many sites have a view
of the medium size lake. Minimal trees, but
most sites have a shade structure. Might need
leveling blocks in some sites. Nice and peaceful
here. Flush toilets and showers. Launch
ramp. Free dump station. $20 ($30 w/elec).
Island Park CG (COE) on Pine Flat Lake, 36 mi E of Fresno, CA
(off Trimmer Springs Rd). Note: Short steep entry road.
1000 ft. 
Backyard Lake
& Mountains Sunset Nearby
Kings River
On a large lake with nearly 100 sites total. About half are
paved and in a hilly
area, with many tent only. These sites are frequently not
level, but some have electricity. The other sites are
overflow in a flat grassy area,
packed together like a parking lot. Flush toilets. $20 ($30
3rd time here. Got a great site right by the
lake w/o anyone near me! Very peaceful to sit
and look out at the lake as the sun goes down. Lots
of small bunnies around at that time of day.
Lodgepole CG (NPS) in Sequoia Naitional Park. 56 mi
E of Visalia, CA on hwy
198 and Generals Hwy (very curvy). 6900
CG [from prev visit] Tall,
Tall Tree Round
Meadow Yikes,
It's a Bbbbb...
200+ paved sites in the trees. Multiple
sections. I was in a 22 site smaller one and didn't
investigate the others. Park brochure says
there is a river in the CG. Flush toilets. $22.
Didn't plan on coming up into the Park, but 1st choice
was closed and 2nd was full. So, I made the very
curvy drive up. Was pooped when I got here. Didn't
stay 2nd day since it was under 50F at noon. Brrrr.
5/18/18- 5/19/18
KCL CG (BLM) in Carrizo Plain National Monument. About
43 mi E of Santa Margarita, CA on hwy 58, then 26 mi
SE on Soda Lake Rd (part dirt), then 1/4 mi SW on gravel
rd. 2300 ft. 
From CG Looking
Down on CG Old
Something in CG The
Road Out Nearby
Soda Lake
8 well developed gravel sites, close together, on level land. 4 walk-in
in a corral area. Scattered shade
from a few large eucalyptus trees. Nice view of the plain.
Pesky flies. This place is in the boonies and probably miles
to the nearest house, so
very peaceful here. Vault toilets. Lowest price you can find @ $0.
3nd time here. 3 other sites occupied first
night and 1 other 2nd night.
5/10/18- 5/12/18
Parkfield, CA ("The Earthquake Capitol
of the World") for the Parkfield Bluegrass
Festival. NE of Paso Robles, CA in farming country. About
15 mi off of CA41/46 or 25 mi off US101, via San Miguel. 1500
Yay, my first stop for 2018!!
Backyard #1 My
Backyard #2 Music
Stage Other
Campers #1 Other
Campers #2
My 6th time at this great mid-sized bluegrass
festival. Try it, you'll like it. Out in
peaceful ranching land. Weather great. No
rain, versus 2 prior years.
Lots of good
music by national, regional and local acts. Way
more campers and listeners than last year. Got
a couple of jammng sessions in with local friends before
I hit the road.