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Ramblin' Ralph's Guest Book

Well, Ralph, I've really enjoyed following along with you, but like us, you've put your camper away for the year. Looking forward to next year's travel blog.

Added: October 9, 2014
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HI Ralph'
I hope that you are felling better and enjoying the last days of your trip.
We camped at Horsethief CG. when were in Utah seeing all the NP. in the area, we also stayed at the Lower Lehman Creek CG. on the way home last year.
Have a good and safe trip home. Jay

Added: October 3, 2014
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Hi Ralph,

Sorry to hear you were ill--hope you're feeling better now. It must be ROUGH to be sick in a camper!

Added: October 2, 2014
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I enjoy popping in every now and then to se what you have been up to. Sounds like you have had a doggone good summer to me! Always a pleasure reading your comments. Thanks. Have a safe homeward bound end to this years adventure. Still,I think a winter adventure in a warm cozy camper should be considered! Ty

Added: September 27, 2014
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HI Ralph,
I see that you are still on the road and going to some nice places, we were at Devils canyon CG. in April 2013 and had a good time in the area.
Time is going fast and soon your 2014 trip will be over.
We had the hot-is summer on record and today we are getting rain and enjoying it. Ca. is still having some bad fires and Oregon still has a few but getting rain on them. Be safe out their and have fun. Jay

Added: September 24, 2014
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It was great to be your neighbor for a few days at Pick In The Pines. Roxana and I really enjoyed meeting and visiting with you. I really enjoyed the chance to pick some with you.

If you are ever in our area we always have a spare room with your name on the door. Feel free to bounce me an email and I will give you all of our contact information so you can find us easily. All the best and safe travels my friend.

Added: September 15, 2014
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HI Ralph,
I see that you are on the move again and headed to Az.
How was the fishing with your cousin and did you fish back country,4x4 roads or hiking trails ?
It's still hot here and still have fires in So. Oregon and Northern Ca., do you know were Happy camp, Ca. is ? they have an 80,000 acre fire for a month now and can't get a handle on it.
I will be checking in to see how things are going, be safe out their. Jay

Added: September 7, 2014
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Hi Ralph,
I sure like your photos! One in particular titled, "Stormy Weather" taken at the East Bank CG, 8/15 - 8/16. I'd like permission to paint it. Thanks!

Added: September 5, 2014
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Dear Ralph,

I discovered your blog this summer while dreaming of wandering in a truck camper. I want to thank you for all the effort you put into your blog. You cannot imagine how much joy it gives your readers! I look forward to every post and check out each entry on a well-used Rand McNally map. Thank you and enjoy your visit with your family.

Added: August 21, 2014
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HI! Ralph,
just checking in on you and see were you are at, still hot here and still have lots of fires from So. Oregon and into Northern Ca. We are getting in to August and before you know it Fall will be here and you will have done another summers adventure.
Are you going fishing with family this year ?
Have a good time and stay safe. Jay

Added: August 10, 2014
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